Major League Baseball (MLB) security general guidelines:

  • Hard-sided containers including coolers, briefcases and ice chests are prohibited.
  • The maximum allowable bag size is 16″x 16″x 8″.
  • All permitted bags will be searched prior to ballpark entry.

Prohibited Items

  • Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or medical marijuana
  • Non-alcoholic beer
  • Glass bottles and aluminum cans
  • Aerosol cans (including sunscreen)
  • All hard-sided coolers and containers, regardless of size
  • All hard-sided briefcases, regardless of size
  • All soft-sided bags and containers larger than 16″x16″x8″
  • Camera tri, dual or single leg pods by non-media personnel. Video cameras are permitted as long as live game action is not recorded in order to protect Colorado Rockies local and national right holders.
  • Bota bags, wineskins or camel packs
  • Sticks or clubs (including signs attached to sticks)
  • Fireworks, firearms or other weapons
  • Bullhorns or noisemakers
  • Confetti
  • Animals (except service animals for Guests with Disabilities are permitted)
  • Beachballs, balloons and other inflatables
  • Skateboards, rollerblades or shoes with wheels
  • Stools or folding chairs
  • Large squirt guns or super soakers
  • Fishnets and poles
  • Any fruit or vegetable larger than a grapefruit must be sliced
  • Laser pointers
  • Insulated coolers, cups and thermoses larger than 22 ounces
  • Pizza boxes larger than personal size

Permitted Items

  • Plastic beverage containers
  • Soft-sided bags or containers 16″x 16″x 8″ or smaller
  • Insulated cups or thermoses 22 ounces or smaller
  • Food items in individual portions
  • Any fruit or vegetable, grapefruit-sized or smaller
  • Still and video cameras (see “Cameras”)
  • Binoculars
  • Seat cushions and bleacher backrests
  • Umbrellas (During the threat of inclement weather, umbrellas are allowed at Coors Field. In consideration of the safety and sight lines of others, please use only small, compact umbrellas (28″ – 34″). Large golf umbrellas and umbrellas with metal tips are strongly discouraged.)
  • Paper or plastic cups with permitted beverages
  • Plastic baby bottles
  • Baseball bats — for the purpose of autographs; must be stored underneath the seats once the game begins
  • Brooms – 6′ maximum length
  • A potato chip or nut cardboard cans with metal tops or bottoms
  • Strollers — umbrella-type that folds or collapses to fit underneath seats (larger strollers may be claim-checked at the gates upon entry)
  • Motorcycle and bicycle helmets

Age Restrictions

Children two and under do not need a game ticket. However, this is only if these children are sitting on the lap of an adult. Also, children who have reached their third birthday must have a valid game ticket to gain entrance to the ballpark and are permitted seating access only in their ticketed location.

Alcohol Policy

Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in Coors Field. Patrons who would like to purchase alcohol prior to entering the stadium needs to be above 21 years of age. Therefore, patrons who appear younger than 40 will be required to show proper identification with proof of age when purchasing alcoholic beverages at Colorado Rockies games.

Sale of beer at ballpark concession stands is not permitted after the seventh inning, and vendor beer sales will end in the middle of the seventh inning (both may be cut off earlier at the discretion of the Club). Guests may not be in possession of more than two alcoholic beverages at any time.

Patrons who wish to be seated in the section of the ballpark where alcohol may not be purchased or consumed should request Family Section tickets at the time of purchase (see Family Section in this guide). Additionally, patrons may not take any alcoholic beverages out of the ballpark, and alcohol consumption is prohibited in the parking lots.

Code Of Conduct For Fans

  • Fans will enjoy the baseball experience free from obscene gestures and foul or derogatory language (defined as offensive language concerning another person’s race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation or national origin).
  • Fans will refrain from displays of affection not appropriate in a public, family setting.
  • Impaired or intoxicated Guests will be assisted in a prompt, respectful and safe manner.
  • Fans will show their ticket when requested and sit only in their ticketed seat.
  • The progress of the game will not be disrupted by fans’ actions or unauthorized persons on the playing field.
  • Smoking is permitted only in designated areas.
    • Possession of, smoking, vaping, ingesting or otherwise consuming marijuana is prohibited in all areas of Coors Field, including the designated smoking areas. Interior designated smoking areas are marked by yellow lines

Re-Entering The Ballpark

During games, fans are permitted to leave the ballpark and return through any of the five entrance gates. Please see the Gate Supervisor or VIP Representative to have both your ticket and hand stamped.

When returning to the ballpark, fans must show their ticket and hand stamp and should re-enter through the special pass-out gates at each entrance. Fans will be required to go through the same security procedures as when they originally entered the ballpark. All persons and bags are subject to search.

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